Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Now You See It #1

I got a digital camera as a graduation gift and I want to make use of it for the blog. I have a couple rough ideas, one of them being that I just post an image and let the comments fly and turn into a discussion about what meaning can be evoked, or simply an opportunity to have a laugh. So... here is the first installment of what I just randomly decided to call "Now You See It." Let the comments begin!

(P.S. I probably won't comment until other comments are made first. For photos that I have something specific to say, I'll usually use them in a different format than this.)

(P.P.S. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO MAKE IT LARGER before making any comments.)


Ted said...

Caption contest!
"Yo, dude. Just because you're a senior in college doesn't mean you can sit in those seats reserved for 'seniors'!"

/Okay, that was lame...

Amanda said...

Ted, please. Don't be insensitive. Those seats aren't only reserved for seniors.

There are some disabilities you can't see.

Cabeza said...

Darrell's disability involves having two different-sized eyes. That's why he can sit there.

JBod said...

I think they would let Darrell sit there even if his eyes were the same size.

Warren said...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.